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Clinical Mental Health Counseling Resources

Your program provides you with the clinical skills and expertise necessary to provide life-changing mental health services through counseling and consultation by using a social justice lens.

Who are you becoming and how?

As a clinical counseling student, you are encouraged to continue learning outside of the classroom by taking advantage of events, webinars, conferences, advising sessions, and workshops.

Program resources

The coursework and the field experience segments of the program are delivered in a prescribed sequence. Pathways are recommended for timely program completion.

CMHC Program Pathways: All Tracks

The program handbook contains information about the faculty, curriculum, policies, and procedures of the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program. Please refer to the program handbook for the year you were admitted to the university.

Fall 2024 Program Handbook
Fall 2023 Program Handbook
Fall 2022 Program Handbook
Fall 2021 Program Handbook

The practicum-related documents and forms below will be used by students before and during practicum. For further information about the steps to advance to practicum, please see the Practicum page.

CMHC Practicum Hour Log

One practicum hour log should be submitted once a week to your site supervisor for approval. If you are at two practicum sites, submit a separate hour log for each site every week.

Once you begin tracking your hours on this form at the beginning of the week, Etrieve will automatically save the form as a draft when you exit without submitting it. Throughout the week, you can update your practicum hour totals on the same form by accessing the draft in your Drafts section. Once you have your practicum hour totals for the week entered, you can submit the form for approval. Once submitted, your site supervisor will receive an email with a link to your submitted form.

CMHC Practicum Placement Form

All Clinical Mental Health Counseling students who are advancing to practicum for the first time or continuing in a practicum placement are asked to complete this form to indicate whether they have a potential or confirmed practicum site each semester.

Practicum Site Agreement Form

Once your practicum site supervisor is confirmed and your site has been approved, you will provide your site supervisor with the Practicum Site Agreement Form link to complete ( By completing the form, your site supervisor is verifying that they agree to take part in your practicum experience for a designated period of time. It also sets the understanding between the University of Redlands School of Education and your site supervisor for the semester.

CMHC Practicum Goals

It is recommended that this form be completed during your initial meeting. You should work with your site supervisor to develop a minimum of three goals that are based on the Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) Statutes and Regulations and/or American Counseling Association (ACA) Professional Standards and appropriate to both your needs and the needs of the practicum site.

Permission to Record Form

This Informed Consent form is used to obtain permission to audio/video record your client(s). You should provide this form after disclosing to each client that you are a Counselor in Training.

CMHC Final Evaluation

Initiate the final evaluation by completing the Counselor Trainee Final Evaluation of Practicum Site section. Once you submit the form, connect with your site supervisor to ensure they complete their portion of the evaluation. Please inform them that they will receive an email to complete the evaluation. If you are completing your practicum at two different sites, please complete a separate evaluation for each site.

Listed below are Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) resources:

90-Day Rule

Learn more about changes to the 90-Day Rule.

Handbook for Future LMFTs

Learn more about the requirements for licensure and expectations post-graduation.

AMFT Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about pursuing licensure as a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist? Check out the FAQ guide.


Practicum is your opportunity to explore the field of clinical counseling and develop your counseling practice through meaningful experiences.

Practicum opportunities

Explore featured clinical counseling practicum sites that are currently partnered with the university.

Counselor Preparation Comprehensive Examination (CPCE)

Learn more about the exit examination and available preparation materials.

University resources