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School and District Leadership Resources

As graduate students, you are expected to take initiative in your program and demonstrate commitment to your studies. Students need to prepare for class by reading and writing as per the syllabus and come to class with things to say about what they’ve read. Find ways to manage your time and studies in a way that’s best for you to succeed – regular investment of time during the week is usually key to success.

Coursework and Pathways

All courses are hybrid and are offered only once a year. Students are expected to take the program coursework as set out above. If a student is unable to take the program as designed or diverts from this program plan, they will not be able to complete the program in two years and may not receive all of the supports for CalAPA as designed. 


Summer Start - Master of Arts in Education: School & District Leadership Pathway

Summer Start - Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Pathway

Fall 2023 Start Only - Master of Arts in Education: School & District Leadership Pathway

Fall 2023 Start Only - Preliminary Administrative Services Credential Pathway


California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA)

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) has developed the California Administrator Performance Assessment (CalAPA) to measure students’ mastery of selected California Administrator Performance Expectations (CAPE).  The exam is made up of three cycles, each cycle focusing on a different skill set required for successful school leadership.  The cycles are as follows: 


Leadership Cycle 1: Analyzing Data to Inform School Improvement and Promote Equity 

Leadership Cycle 2: Facilitating Communities of Practice 

Leadership Cycle 3: Supporting Teacher Growth 

Students accepted and matriculating into the School & District Leadership program on or after June 1, 2019 must take and pass all three cycles of the CalAPA prior to completing the program and to become eligible for recommendation for credential.   

The School & District Leadership program curriculum has been designed, in part, to help students prepare for and be successful in taking the CalAPA.  Students will take CalAPA cycles as part of their work in Leadership Labs, in conjunction with supporting coursework. While the program will support students in CalAPA preparation, students are solely responsible for completing CalAPA registration and paying for each cycle of the test.  If a student does not pass one or more cycles of the CalAPA, the student will meet with a designated program faculty member to review the graded results, identify areas of improvement, and create a remediation plan tailored to the student’s specific improvement needs.   

Students who have been recommended for an administrative appointment in a district prior to the completion of the program may be eligible for an administrative internship with the permission of the Program Coordinator or their designee.

Register for CalAPA


Credential Options

Upon completion of credential coursework, education administration students have a few credentialing options depending on years of service in K-12. 


Option 1: Letter of Completion

Candidates who have not yet completed 5-years of service will receive a letter of program completion (issued by the University of Redlands). Letters of completion will be mailed to the address listed in your U of R profile and a digital copy will be emailed once all grades have posted. Candidates should request a recommendation for a Certificate of Eligibility or a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential upon completion of 5-years of service at a district.


Option 2: Certificate of Eligibility

An individual who has completed credential requirements but does not have an offer of employment in an administrative position may apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (issued by CTC), which verifies completion of all requirements for the preliminary credential and authorizes the holder to seek employment as an administrator. The Certificate of Eligibility has no expiration date. 


Option 3: Preliminary Administrative Services Credential

Candidates who have completed all credential requirements and have an offer of employment may apply to be recommended for a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential.

Learn more about credential requirements

Service Requirement

Candidates ready for credential recommendation must have completed five years of full-time experience. 

Five years of successful, full-time experience in a public school, nonpublic school, or private school of equivalent status located in California or another state, or a combination of experience earned in California and another state. This experience may be teaching, pupil personnel work, librarianship, health services, clinical or rehabilitative services, or a combination of teaching and school services equal to five years. Substitute or part- time service does not apply. Verification of experience must be on the district or employing agency letterhead and signed by the superintendent, assistant superintendent, director of personnel, or director of human resources. School or district personnel other than the applicant must verify all experience.

For CalAPA Remediation, contact the Office of Licensures and Credentialing at

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